Local Store Aruba in Noord

ArubaLocal Store Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

Palm Beach 13A, Noord, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 1414
website: www.facebook.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5656731, Longitude: -70.0391011

opmerkingen 5

  • Rodney Rosalia

    Rodney Rosalia


    Great local spot, lives up to its name... Nice energetic ambience!! Good burgers, polenta fries are superb, craft beers selection is among the better ones on the island

  • en

    Curtis Gillman


    This place is great! Easily missed driving by, but very worth the stop. Try the grilled shrimp and Fuchi fries. Service is very friendly.

  • Knob Apps

    Knob Apps


    Beer prices where reasonable, however getting a beer is another story. Workers don't seem to ever leave the bar area. Multiple times I had to walk over after waiting 5 minutes. They were very friendly, just lazy.

  • Roshonda Montgomery

    Roshonda Montgomery


    This was by far the best wings that I’ve ever had. I chose some wings from the menu that had 2 fire balls by them. It was the perfect match for me. I also got some loaded French fries and they did not disappoint. I would definitely eat here again. In addition the food is very reasonably priced.

  • Holly Elizabeth White

    Holly Elizabeth White


    Great selection of alcohol and craft beers! Also better prices than those closer to the beaches. The wings were so good we had to go back twice in one day! We also recommend the smothered fries. Dogs are allowed on the porch outside too. It reminds me of a very welcoming dive bar from home. Love it!

Bar in de buurt

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