Gasparito Traditional Aruban Restaurant in Noord

ArubaGasparito Traditional Aruban Restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

3, Gasparito, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 594 2550
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.561813, Longitude: -70.041475

opmerkingen 5

  • Cindy Martinez Angeles

    Cindy Martinez Angeles


    Gasparitos is amazingly good! The coconut shrimp, garlic bread, ribs with homemade sauce and fish in Creole sauce are to die for!! Their desserts are homemade too and great. Amazing staff!!! They are only opened on Wed & Sat right now from 6-8:30pm and you have to make a reservation. I’m looking forward to going a second time before I leave!!!

  • Jeffrey Santana

    Jeffrey Santana


    This is a hidden gem, the food was phenomenal! We were looking for some authentic Aruban food and hit the jackpot. We ordered the gasparito chicken & the Aruban combo

  • Marco Lanza

    Marco Lanza


    Nice restaurant with a very local vibe. Owner and staff were welcoming and lovely. Excellent food

  • Nick J

    Nick J


    My review is based on vegetarian food not there specialty or even close to worth the price they charge others might want try to judge it but vegetarians spend your money else where Hospitality is good place is like old house

  • Chris Warkentin

    Chris Warkentin


    This is a truly unique experience. The proprietor is a real character who tells jokes and stories and serves amazing traditional Aruban food. Get there while you can because he's retiring and a wonderful place will be no more.

Restaurant in de buurt

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