Barney's Bar & Restaurant in Noord

ArubaBarney's Bar & Restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

21A, Noord, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 5420
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5660935, Longitude: -70.0401676

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Bill Porath


    Great food and super friendly service...don't miss Barneys!!

  • Dennis Bärlin

    Dennis Bärlin


    Tasty food, fastly served, all u can eat specials, friendly Staff, very good prices for what u get (below 30$)

  • Roberto Ayala

    Roberto Ayala


    Good food the service is not good they can be much more friendly

  • Lawrence Smith

    Lawrence Smith


    Went to all you can eat ribs night on Thursday. Ribs were good but it took too long to get the ribs. All and all good food

  • en

    Tom Kuehnel


    2016: We went on Monday, fajita night, the grouper fajitas were delicious! Others in our party enjoyed the beef & chicken fajitas as well. The crab cake appetizers were tasty too. All in all a great choice!!! 2017: Another great dinner at Barney's! Would have been much cooler with a fan or the A/C running... overall a fun spot for a group and very attentive server Rico!

Restaurant in de buurt

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