KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) in Noord

ArubaKFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken)



🕗 openingstijden

186, 3, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 527 0997
website: kfc.aw
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5695562, Longitude: -70.0422953

opmerkingen 5




    all stores closing at 9 due to the covid rules I came to order before 9 they turned the light in my face so rude and weird

  • Annett Haynes

    Annett Haynes


    I allways loved kentucky

  • Lindan Cigars

    Lindan Cigars


    Always consistent. Love my 3 pack combo. Biscuit. Gravy.

  • Diego Laverde

    Diego Laverde


    Love the twister and chicken but they need to fix there service. It's to slow waited almost 45 min on the drive true.

  • Seeking Riesling

    Seeking Riesling


    Good, but not exactly the same as back home. Their original recipe chicken coating tastes different from that of KFC's in the US. It is good, though. The chicken is juicy and tastes good. This KFC has original recipe or hot/spicy. No extra crispy or KFC grilled chicken. The biscuits were hot and fresh but they did not have butter for them. They did have honey, though. The cashier didn't speak much English but he was friendly and accommodating. The restaurant was clean.

Restaurant in de buurt

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