Le Petit Cafe Restaurant Aruba in Noord

ArubaLe Petit Cafe Restaurant Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

87, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 4046
website: lepetitaruba.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5729034, Longitude: -70.044579

opmerkingen 5

  • dru Hanni

    dru Hanni


    One of the most memorable dining experiences I've ever had.

  • Samantha Angela

    Samantha Angela


    The concept is nice, but could be better. The steak wasnt seasoned and the service was a bit slow.The vegetables also tasted of nothing. Not only that, but we barely had any light to even see our food. If the concept is people having to cook their own meat, Id atleast hope they could see if its cooked. Its overpriced for what you get. Not that great

  • Scott Soifer

    Scott Soifer


    Great service, very attentive, and a fun concept! French Onion Soup was very good, steak was tender and flavorful. Only issue was the food continued to cook on the hot stones, so we should have removed our shrimp sooner to prevent overcooking.

  • Valery Andre

    Valery Andre


    Very good location. Good waiting staff. I think the steak could use more seasoning. The wine menu was good , better than the beer selection. A bit overpriced, even by Palm Beach standards

  • Keith R. Marley

    Keith R. Marley


    We were looking for awonderful small French restaurant in that area that we discovered four or five years ago and came upon Le Petit Cafe. Thinking we found our French restaurant we looked at the menu.... NOT French cuisine! The food and service was very good though and we enjoyed the meal.

Restaurant in de buurt

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