Hard Rock Cafe Aruba in Noord

ArubaHard Rock Cafe Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

Palm Beach 55, South Beach Building Loc. 33, Noord, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 9966
website: www.hardrock.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5689232, Longitude: -70.0446976

opmerkingen 5

  • Nicholas Karatzas

    Nicholas Karatzas


    Made the best drink I had in alllll of Aruba Island. It was a Seltzer with vodka and a splash of cranberry. Just came out so good I had to leave five stars, the food smelt /looked good too but we didn’t get any.

  • Steven Waltman

    Steven Waltman


    Starter, entree and dessert were all of excellent quality. Every leaf of salad, piece of chicken and mozzarella stick tasted good. Can recommend their cocktails, burgers, salads, mac n cheese and desserts. Do check their pricing before going there, it is more then most restaurants in that area. (and totally worth it!) Will come again on our next Aruba trip.

  • en

    Koen Janssen


    We had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe near the high rise in Aruba. And I can only say that the service (Vanessa was our waitress) was the best. The food was very good. On our way out we had a chat with the manager, which is a really nice guy. In short; go there for good food and excellent service!

  • Hedilio Montero

    Hedilio Montero


    Nice place for nightlife and for lunch and dinner a verry hugh quality of service and food.

  • Stephanie Jugovich

    Stephanie Jugovich


    I’m a huge fan of Hard Rock Cafes and this location did not disappoint. My family and I have visited Aruba multiple times and we have always been happy with the service and the food here. I love the live music too. If you’re looking for a great meal, look no further.

Restaurant in de buurt

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