Buccaneer Restaurant in Noord

ArubaBuccaneer Restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

Gasparito, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 6172
website: buccaneeraruba.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5621647, Longitude: -70.0413037

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Mary Glasse


    Food was awesome! Best lobster I've ever had. Salmon was so good, but this twice baked potato was crazy good! Met Chef James and he was super nice. Trested us like home. If and when in Aruba, you should go there. We definitely will be back!

  • John Hurley

    John Hurley


    Great atmosphere, my daughter loved the fish tanks in the gong room. Food was excellent lead by Chef James. Will definitely go back again.

  • Nate Herbst

    Nate Herbst


    I've been here twice spread out by many years. Excellent food and great ambiance. the theme is a little kitchy but it's nice and dark and warm inside. doesn't seem overdone at all inside.

  • Steven Waltman

    Steven Waltman


    Went here for dinner and was not disappointed. Good starters, calamaris and something with mushrooms and cheese. The 'catch of the day' entree my wife took was "above expectations". I took the 'New York steak', wasn't the best steak but wasn't bad either. The atmosphere is nice. Unfortunately we were seating at a table with an aquarium containing just a few small sized fish, even though all but one table were still available. We arrived early, few minutes pasted opening time, would be nice to get a good table around that hour. Good to know if you are travelling with a baby; they have good highchairs and a baby changing station.

  • Lawrence Smith

    Lawrence Smith


    Stopped in for drinks and a photo at the bar. Should have had dinner. Chef James came out to say say hello and made us a snack. It was great. Roy at the bar was also very fun to talk to and had great stories of the history of the place to share. Would highly recommend the next time your in Aruba.

Restaurant in de buurt

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