Salt and Pepper Tapas Bar & Restaurant in Noord

ArubaSalt and Pepper Tapas Bar & Restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

368A, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 3280
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5698703, Longitude: -70.0445916

opmerkingen 5

  • Sasch Mayer

    Sasch Mayer


    Fantastic little Tapas restaurant With a friendly, welcoming atmosphere and tons of character, Salt & Pepper serves a wide variety of quality tapas at very fair prices. Service is excellent and efficient, and the beers are ice cold. I've been here a few times now and the quality has been totally consistent. I'll be coming back again.

  • Chris Ferretti

    Chris Ferretti


    Best food on the island! We ate here almost every night during our visit to Aruba and they never disappointed. Great food, fair prices and fantastic servers! Everything on the menu is incredible. Breakfast is awesome. If you get the Dutch coffee - it is super thick and strong compared to American coffeee so just be mindful of that. For lunch or dinner - everything is fantastic and their chicken wings are OUT OF THIS WORLD!! (be sure ask for a side of the peanut sauce to dip your wings into....pure heaven🙏) They even have live music most nights. Such a nice spot! Great place to relax after a long day at the beach🌴

  • Gary B

    Gary B


    Not only is this place Amazing for lunch or dinner but it has a great Breakfast menu. If you’re in the Palm beach Aruba area and looking for something go to salt and pepper you won’t be disappointed. Everything was was cooked to perfection and the service was Beyond great.

  • CJ F

    CJ F


    This place is awesome and has thee best breakfast in the area. My husband loves the waffles. A must go when in Aruba!

  • Jeff Schatz

    Jeff Schatz


    This place has wonderful food and great service. The pancakes are super fluffy and tasty. I would definitely recommend the Belgian waffles if you like sweet crunchy deliciousness.

Restaurant in de buurt

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