Kalin's Mexican Food dinner drink and fun in Noord

ArubaKalin's Mexican Food dinner drink and fun



🕗 openingstijden

95, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 592 7032
website: kalinsaruba.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5739811, Longitude: -70.0427305

opmerkingen 5

  • Michael Lance

    Michael Lance


    By far the best Mexican food on the island. I have tried nearly all the dishes and each one is more delicious than the other. Service is great and the owner Kalin himself is always there to take care of you. The Ambiance is always nice and fun...you will always leave happy.

  • en

    Piet Jansen


    Awesome service. Great cocktails and lovely food and atmosfere. Our go-to place to enjoy Mexican food and great people.

  • Marcos X

    Marcos X


    Me and my wife had fajitas for two. Food was good for our taste. Guacamole was not what I'm used to. Margaritas were pretty good. Being that we're from South Texas we're probably a little bias due to the Mexican food we usually eat down here.

  • en

    Eric Huffman


    Great service and excellent food! Wonderfully prepared and very fresh! I recommend the chicken quesadilla. The habanero onions that come on the side are fantastic. Prices are reasonable too!

  • en

    Michael Scully


    Stay away!!!!!!We had a reservation for 6 at 7pm. They gave all the big tables away so they set us in a table for 4 after a good half hour wait. We ordered drinks and an appetizer. Took about a half hour for drinks and appetizer came after the meal. The first 2 plates came. They waited but started eating as the food was getting cold. After they were finished 2 more came. Then after a long while one more. Then appetizer. The last meal never came. Drinks were never refilled. Then they charged us for 7 meals and drinks we didn't even order. This place was a nightmare and a total waste of 2.5 hours in paradise. No offer for making it right because "manager wasn't there". There are plenty of options in Aruba don't waste your time on this strip mall dump.

Restaurant in de buurt

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