Legends Pub in Noord

ArubaLegends Pub


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🕗 openingstijden

388, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 280 3300
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5712725, Longitude: -70.0430101

opmerkingen 5

  • Alberto Groeneveldt

    Alberto Groeneveldt


    Amazing Pub bar.. great prices and everyday they have specials.. my favourite is wedneday $1 wing special and karaoke night

  • Jeff Carello

    Jeff Carello


    Decent food but poor service... Need more help getting orders out to waiting customers!

  • en

    Pierrette Warren


    Great beer selection! Unfortunately the undercooked burgers were a huge disappointment but at least the fries were good! The service is excellent and they have great music and lots of screens for sports viewing!

  • en

    Georgia Mislick


    Prime rib special on Friday night is great...$20 for generous queen cut incl. mashed potato and veggie. Best prime on island! King cut could be shared by two and $25-26. Friendly wait staff. Check out Wilson...handsome..polite..muscular server..ooh la la

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    Christina Penna


    I am writing this review a little late, but it is definitely worth it! My boyfriend and I went to Aruba at the end of September and decided to go off the resort one night to watch the Sunday night football game. We were looking for different places on google and stumbled across Legends. When we walked in it was not crowded at all and did not think we were going to stay very long. The owner came over and introduced himself to us and chatted up a bit — extremely nice! Staff was very friendly, and the Italian nachos we ordered were amazing! Unfortunately, we did not eat anything else off the menu because we already ate prior, but food smelled delicious. We look forward to going back in December and watching more football games as well! This place definitely has that American bar feel! =)

Bar in de buurt

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