Aruba Champions Sports Bar & Restaurant in Noord

ArubaAruba Champions Sports Bar & Restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

99, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 520 6985
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5793519, Longitude: -70.0429051

opmerkingen 5

  • Chirley Valbuena

    Chirley Valbuena


    Great place to eat delicious snacks and beverages .. also, on tuesdays and Fridays there's karaoke time!!

  • en

    Analia Rasmijn


    Food ok but service was bad. 1 waiter for 1/3 of the restaurant.

  • en

    J.C A


    The atmosphere is good, however the service was a bit slow and how our food was on the cold side.

  • Jake Kemme

    Jake Kemme


    Overpriced Americanized food, very slow to seat waiting guests even when not very busy. Decent if you hit their daily food special and drinks during happy hour, if you manage to actually get a waiter to take your order

  • Kelly Kantor

    Kelly Kantor


    We stayed at the Ritz and went here for the national championship game. The food was SO good! The atmosphere was great. I guess they recently redid their menu so everything must be a lot better now. I noticed they received bad reviews before but the menu must have improved a lot!

Bar in de buurt

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