Brickell Bay Sand Beach Lounge in Noord

ArubaBrickell Bay Sand Beach Lounge



🕗 openingstijden

J.E. Irausquin Blvd 370, Noord, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 280 9967
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5694835, Longitude: -70.0441423

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    M. A.


    Stopped through here while attending the Soul Beach festival and had a Great time. Good drinks.

  • Juan Francisco Abrecht

    Juan Francisco Abrecht


    They don't care about you as their customer. You want to pay for a drink they just play you around and serve you almost no alcohol, although you ask for more. It's awful. Good music though. Just drink outside the club 👌🏼

  • Srishti Arya

    Srishti Arya


    A happening place, any night you visit! Very popular tourist spot. Awesome cocktails, made by equally awesome bartenders! Will definitely have a great time with the music and fun environment.

  • en

    aicirtap658 unknown


    AWESOME SPOT !! Went here almost every night while visiting Aruba !! shoutout to Kirk for having me & Aly 💓 -Naomi (winner of the competition) xox

  • Buckhead Atlanta

    Buckhead Atlanta


    Very nice staff and heart ♥ of town... Very walkable... Concert area in the property behind with a dj til 3am 🕒

Bar in de buurt

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