Pelican Pier Bar AW

ArubaPelican Pier Bar



🕗 openingstijden

J. E. Irausquin Blvd, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 587 2307
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5743829, Longitude: -70.0460437

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Jason Perro


    Stopped here for a few drinks. Really nice spot on the pier but the service could have been a little quicker. Wasn't in a rush but we had to look for our waitress pretty often

  • Katelyn Custer

    Katelyn Custer


    Service wasn’t the best, but the food was very good especially the fish sandwich. The scenery is one of the best as you are sitting on the pier and have views on both sides. Staff is very friendly as well. Would have been 5 stars if the service wasn’t so slow.

  • en

    J Dutton


    Made the reservation well in advance. Didn't get a confirmation. Contacted them and was told to wait util closer. Now the cruise is cancelled (last minute) with no notice or explanation. Waves are calm and it's in the 80's. DO NOT USE THIS VENDOR. Other snorkel cruises available.

  • en

    Susanne Byström


    Happy hour starts! They charge one dollar more for the beer, than before happy hour. I asked why. The man in the bar said everything is 5 dollar. Before happy hour the beer was 4 dollar. No signs that you could know this from. Bad!

  • en

    Natalya Shnayder


    Nice place to go at night and during the day. Dinner was good, with a nice view and very reasonable prices. Make sure to have reservation, otherwise prepare to wait in the evening. Lots of pelicans! And fish in the water-fun! Service was not bad.

Bar in de buurt

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