Los Soles in Noord

ArubaLos Soles



🕗 openingstijden

L.G. Smith Boulevard/Sasaki Weg, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 565 6798
website: www.lossolesgroup.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5742337, Longitude: -70.0430034

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Rick Brazeau


    Pretty good food. Clean restaurant.

  • en

    Joanna Edmondson


    Only positive i can this restaurant give is the margaritas were fantastic. So If you want a margarita this is your place. The salsa is worse than an average can from the grocery store. Pretty sure the gucamole came out of a tube, pre prepared. And the same goes for the refried beans. The portions and food are not at all worth the price.

  • manfred bernitz

    manfred bernitz


    Excelente comida Mexixana, lo recomiendo con los ojos cerrados, vamos frecuentemente.

  • Art n' Stuff

    Art n' Stuff


    Excellent Mexican food. We came here without plans and we thoroughly enjoyed it! The food was well prepared and seemed to have a blended Venezuelan flavor!!

  • en

    Nicole Esposito


    Accidently stumbled upon this hidden treasure on our first day in Aruba. Couldn't have been more impressed! Food is absolutely delicious & fresh plus came out promptly. The staff is very professional and so friendly/helpful. Very clean and beautiful restaurant. I'm already back for my second trip here! A MUST try!!

Bar in de buurt

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