Bros & Beer in Noord

ArubaBros & Beer



🕗 openingstijden

Caya Harmonia, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 280 2230
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5483431, Longitude: -70.0522516

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Dwight Mata


    Good food & beer, fair prices

  • Michael Bislick

    Michael Bislick


    Locals love this place. The food is delicious and the owner Ken works his ass off! Fun place, worth the visit!

  • en

    Wilfrido Dubero


    The place has a nice atmosphere, when we enter the I was impress with the décor & the variety of beers they has, the food was excellent and a very good service. I recommended to every one that want to watch sports and has nice cold beers the place is Bros & Beers see u there!!!

  • Brandon Wadley

    Brandon Wadley


    Great prices, especially the specials. Some of the best Wings I've had!!! Way better than Buffalo Wild Wings. Amazing shrimp too.

  • Sandy Moran

    Sandy Moran


    I would probably rate it a 3.5 rather than a 4, but since the option isn't given; 4 it is. Food was ok, probably your typical bar food. Service a little slow but they were very nice. No beer menu offered and the regular menu was small and limited. Prices I would say a bit above average, but not by much ($50 for 4 beers and 3 appetizers)

Bar in de buurt

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