Matthew's beachside restaurant in Oranjestad

ArubaMatthew's beachside restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

51, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 588 7300
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5386673, Longitude: -70.0623862

opmerkingen 5

  • Patrick Bastow

    Patrick Bastow


    We piped in for a quick beer. Nice place - great beach

  • Tanner Jenkins

    Tanner Jenkins


    Absolutely perfect! Perfect table, perfect meal, perfect service! Amazing place!

  • Dolores Cardinale

    Dolores Cardinale


    We’ve been coming to Aruba for years and never tried Matthew’s so last night we we with our grandchildren, ranging in age from 7 to 22. The service was fine. They brought out fresh bread which was great, but the butter was rancid. We had to ask for fresh butter. My granddaughter ordered a slushee which was just soda with coloring & lots of ice. I ordered the crab cake appetizer which was terrible. Dry, mostly bread, & salty. 2 of my other granddaughters & I ordered the Matthew’s salad which came with apples, walnuts & chicken. The chicken was extremely dry and the walnuts were stale. Our 2 youngest wanted their dessert called “worms in dirt” and they didn’t have it. My husband told the manager, who was very polite, apologized & said he would check on things. When the bill came, not one item was taken off the bill. In all my years coming to Aruba, I never had a bad meal until this one. The one star is for the lovely ocean view.

  • Gina Brower

    Gina Brower


    Home fries and apple, cinnamon pancakes were amazing. Service was very friendly and helpful.

  • P. Kahn

    P. Kahn


    Great place to walk to via the beach while staying at the Divi Golf Resort. Went twice: once for burgers in the evening in the bar area and once for lunch in the restaurant area. Both times the servers were very pleasant and the food was tasty. Good menu variety for both occasions. Bar drinks and beer choices fit our needs too. Check it out, you'll like it.

Restaurant in de buurt

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