Passions On The Beach in Noord

ArubaPassions On The Beach



🕗 openingstijden

252, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 527 1129
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5535912, Longitude: -70.0551712

opmerkingen 5

  • Rodney McDonald

    Rodney McDonald


    The best restaurant for dinner on the beach in Aruba. I took my wife there for our 25th wedding anniversary and we were both astounded. Dinner on the beach with the sun setting is a fairytale come true. My steak was cooked perfectly and my wife loved the shrimp and fish. Will definitely go back when we're in Aruba.

  • Dann Gwyn

    Dann Gwyn


    The atmosphere and sunset seating are great. It is on a public beach so people can walk in front of the view. Overall the food and drinks were good but not amazing. We had excellent service throughout dinner. It does get very dark once the sun goes down. We also took a cab and getting out and later picking up the cab is a bit of an issue since they stop on the side of a busy part of the road. Overall is was a nice experience.

  • Esmée Douma

    Esmée Douma


    Prachtige locatie. Mooie zonsondergang en heerlijk dineren met live muziek. Wat wil een mens nog meer? De menu kaart is iets duurder dan op de strip, maar hé, je zit wel te dineren op Eagle Beach en die ligt gewoon in de top 10 van mooiste stranden ter wereld. Voor Nederlandse begrippen is het echt niet te duur als je in ogenschouw neemt wat je er voor krijgt. De bediening is erg goed, ze geven het een mooi persoonlijk tintje waardoor de avond extra speciaal wordt. Iedereen komt voor de romantiek van de zonsondergang en die gaat maar 1 x per avond onder. Er komt dus geen 2e lichting mensen om te dineren. Daardoor is er dus een gevoel dat je heerlijk de tijd kunt nemen om te genieten van de locatie het eten en elkaar. Het personeel straalt dat ook zeker uit. Ze verkopen je een experience en dat doen ze erg goed. Kort om..absoluut de moeite waard.

  • en

    Faith Langevin


    This restaurant is beautiful and romantic and close to the high resorts on Eagle beach. The tables are beautiful and set with a perfect view of the ocean. Since all Aruba beaches are public there are people that walk in front of your table occasionally, but that can’t be helped. The service was top notch and our waitress helped steer us towards some of the better dishes in her opinion. We had been all over the island and this was the softest sand and the best view we found. The only downside is that it is a bit pricey, but we thought it was worth it as a treat on our last night of vacation.

  • en

    Julia Licavoli


    Good food, friendly service, and the most beautiful view of the sunset! This restaurant/bar was at our resort and we very much enjoyed the bar staff, especially Erly and Mario. Had a wonderful time chatting and laughing with them and they made good drinks!

Restaurant in de buurt

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