Chalet Suisse AW

ArubaChalet Suisse



🕗 openingstijden

246, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 587 5054
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5497046, Longitude: -70.0565253

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Chere Halloran


    My husband and I stayed tried here because we were staying at the Tropicana and the building was so unique! They were so amazing to seat us with no reservations, never let our wine glasses run low and the food oh my goodness it was delicious! We had the calamari, stuffed grouper and beef stroganoff! I wanted to eat there more than once!!! Let me say leftovers were a treat!!

  • en

    Fabio G S


    Good ambient and atmosphere. Service is fine and the menu is a little different from what you are used to find in Aruba. Food is always fine and the Boeuf Strogonoff is something you may wanna try.

  • en

    Al Hoenigman Jr


    Excellent and very consistent food. Have never had a bad meal here!

  • john thibodeaux

    john thibodeaux


    The best pea soup and beef stroganoff I have ever had. Our table of 5 all had fantastic meals. Staff is great and friendly. An absolute must try when paradise!

  • Jason Croes

    Jason Croes


    Excellent service did not need to wait to be seated (reservation) or offered a drink. Staff was very friendly and fast, the food was awsome. Ambiance was great. Highly recommended.

Restaurant in de buurt

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