Fusion Wine & Piano Bar AW

ArubaFusion Wine & Piano Bar



🕗 openingstijden

47, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 280 9994
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5399543, Longitude: -70.0609071

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Michael Hammett


    The bartenders are great. The cigar selection is good. The drinks are great. And the entertainment is great. The entertainment would be better if the piano player would learn all of the words to "Buttercup".

  • en

    Joe Jorgensen


    Had the displeasure of attempting to dine there February 6, 2018. Were directed to sit at a table in the bar, rude abrasive bartender said you cannot sit there its reserved I have people coming, go find a place outside to sit, same hostess that sent us outside took us to a table that was open to begin with. Okay start over, received water no menus, twenty minutes later my wife gets someone's attention, bring us menus the wait continues as we watch wait staff stand around the kitchen window. After another prolonged period the order for dinner is taken, salads arrive and are eaten the wait again is more than sufficient to prepare the food, our wait person comes to the table finally and says we are are out of baked potatoes, we will substitute French fries. Wrong we didn't order French fries, I forgot to mention that this fine dining establishment had only been open for the day since 6:15 on and it is now roughly one hour past opening. We had purchased the tickets for dinner and the show upstairs the day before, the menu offered is very limited and only baked potatoes were offered. We decided to leave without eating, did not ask for a refund nor was one offered. Then the wait staff said you can go, but you must pay for the 3 soft drinks and a glass of water. Even though they just made close to $140.00 on 3 salads they did serve. General impression not real adapt at staffing a high end dining place, more concerned with working paying customers rather than prepaid guests. Both bartenders were aggressive rude gentlemen, very apparent working to increase both the bill and there possible tips. Waitresses/possible hostesses must all be new to there jobs.

  • en

    Ginamarie Phillips


    My husband and I visited Aruba in November 2017 and ABSOLUTELY loved Fusion Wine and Piano Bar! The bartender was spot on with helping us select wine and appetizers that were so good we stayed and canceled our dinner reservations! He was so accommodating and always made sure that our glasses never ran dry! The pinot noir was incredible! Honestly, Everything about this place has us looking forward to coming back again this year with 5 of our friends. It is truly one of our favorite places in Aruba! The menu's light up so that if you forget your reading glasses (lol) you can still see. The ambiance, the food, the wine the decor, the staff! Don't change a thing!! See ya's in November 2018

  • Ethan Ruoff

    Ethan Ruoff


    I only got desert here but the brownies had nuts in them without any warning. Menu didn't mention it and the brownies themselves didn't have any nuts protruding to show that they did. Tasted like a walnut too making it all the worse.

  • Romualds Ivanovs

    Romualds Ivanovs


    The food is disappointing. Generally you get better quality in the lower price category places. I felt robbed, because there was no value for money at all. And of course the relaxed and unfocused service that is common in Aruba. Don't waste your money. You won't get anything better than anywhere else even if you pay more.

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