We r Cuba Restaurant Aruba in Oranjestad

ArubaWe r Cuba Restaurant Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

47, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 280 0021
website: arubacubanrestaurant.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.539761, Longitude: -70.060921

opmerkingen 5

  • Paul Bochner

    Paul Bochner


    Sat down and got a great table, the water guy was fantastic but waited 25 mins and never received a menu or a waiter to take any kind of drink order etc. menu looked great but never got a chance ( looked at it before we sat).

  • Tisha Brennan

    Tisha Brennan


    The waiter was awesome food was cooked to perfection

  • es

    Brayan Rodriguez


    Muy buen lugar para comer a cualquier hora desde las 11 am

  • en

    Jayson Kock


    Excellent food and service

  • en

    Jon Price


    A group of 5 ate here on October 12th, 2017. The mojitos are great. The food was even better. We all ordered different dishes and we got to taste them all. The service was great as well. The live music was fun and some of the patrons got up to dance and shake maracas. I have eaten at another Cuban restaurant several times on the island, but the food and service is not as good as it is at We R Cuba.

Restaurant in de buurt

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