Aruba Car Rental - Top Drive in Noord

ArubaAruba Car Rental - Top Drive



🕗 openingstijden

Alto Vista 129, Noord, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 587 1729
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5649278, Longitude: -70.0148868

opmerkingen 5

  • Mayonaise 69

    Mayonaise 69


    Made reservations, went to pick up the car and they did not have one for me. They wanted me to wait for 2 hours, eventhough they had cars in the parkinglot. That were for others, who did not even arrive yet. Not recommended

  • Barbara Wolf

    Barbara Wolf


    The seats were wet just from our bathing suits. IT'S A JEEP... ON AN ISLAND! They charged me for an extra whole day $158 because they couldn't rent the jeep out again immediately. They rent a Jeep that you ride around in the dirt on the coast and act like they would be able to IMMEDIATELY rent the Jeep out again without it being cleaned. It had to be washed before it could be rented again. I paid $189 to RENT the jeep for 24 hours. I returned it an hour early. They could have left the top down and the windows open for 15-30 mins and they would have been dry! Complete rip-off! DO NOT RENT FROM THESE CON ARTISTS! 6/15/2018 3:03pm I just saw the response from TopDrive. That is a bold-faced LIE that the seats were SOAKED. We toweled off after one last dip in Baby Beach which was the last place they suggest you visit on the map they provide. The seats were D A M P. The trade winds are constant in Aruba. The seats would have been dry within 15 mins if they would have left the windows down and the top off (at the very extreme end 30 mins and that is being generous). As you can see for yourself in the response below "We would like to point out that we wash every car after every rental and ensure that the cars are in the same top condition for every customer". This would take longer than the 15 mins the sun would have taken to dry the seats.

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    Lazara Escarpenter


    On June 7, we were 15 family and friends divided into four Jeeps. Our tour guide, Ronald, was AMAZING!!! Very knowledgeable, very friendly, funny and attentive to my 80+ year old parents, whom I dragged along. Of the four stops on our cruise, hands down we all agree Aruba was our favorite and all because of our experience with Ronald and the places he showed us. We all fell in love with his country and agree we all want to return for more than a day. Thank to finding Top Drive, my family now wants me to book all our trip!! Lol Thank you Top Drive and thanks again Ronald!!

  • Alisa Dimick

    Alisa Dimick


    I paid for my car rental ahead of time but by the time I got to Aruba I found out that I was unable to rent a car due to my age being under 23. Although the law was an inconvenience to me, Top Drive did an outstanding job helping me in any way they could! They drove me to my airbnb so they knew I got there safely, gave me a refund and even drove my refund to me because I had no way to get there. They showed outstanding customer service, care, dedication and one of the workers, Wish, was so nice and helpful! If I would have attempted to rent a car from any other company, I would not have been shown this same level of customer service. Rent from them!

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    John Johnson


    We rented from Top Drive Sept 16 -23 this year. The representative met us right outside the airport and drove us in their van to their office. The car was practically brand new, I was in and out in 5 minutes (they even said we know you want to get going not waste vacation time!). The return was just as easy! Only 5 minute ride to the airport and by the time our luggage was loaded in their van, they had checked the car and I signed the paper and done! Great service and highly recommended! John Johnson, Banner Elk, NC

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