All Drive Car Rental N.V. Schotlandstraat # 77-A AW

ArubaAll Drive Car Rental N.V. Schotlandstraat # 77-A



🕗 openingstijden

77-A, Schotlandstraat, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5418017, Longitude: -70.0515978

opmerkingen 5

  • Igor Bashkinov

    Igor Bashkinov


    This place tried to scam us. We rented a car that had seen better days. The car came with less than half a tank of fuel. So we went to fill it up and it starts leaking at the pump . We bring it back to them and they tell us we went off road and broke it,which we didnt,and when I tried to explain that we didnt go off road he said he didnt believe us and that's it. Were now going through the credit card company to get our money back. When I talked to the locals about this place they said they scam tourists.

  • John Sand

    John Sand


    Had a good experience here. They were waiting for me at the airport when I arrived. The office is 10-15 minutes away from the airport but it was close to our hotel on Eagle Beach. We rented a big van at a great price. Service was excellent. Van was a bit older but it did everything we needed for 7 people and luggage. I would definitely rent from them again.

  • Emil Balandan

    Emil Balandan


    Very nice staff and free pickup from your hotel. Just return your car reasonably clean on the inside and your good.

  • Mustafa Waseq

    Mustafa Waseq


    Perfect car ceapest in aruba!!! Thx

  • Lukáš Dostál

    Lukáš Dostál


    We had no reservation and asked for the smallest car they have. Car was ready in ten minutes including paperwork. They provide free shuttle.

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