Real Deal Car Rental Aruba in Oranjestad

ArubaReal Deal Car Rental Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

49, Ponton, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 741 2601
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5356215, Longitude: -70.0314911

opmerkingen 5

  • Mehmet Gundogdu

    Mehmet Gundogdu


    It was the easiest process ever. They picked us up from the airport. Paperwork took 3 minutes. Great price. I Lost the car key 🤪!in 15 min they sent a new car key to our hotel !!! Great customer service!

  • Thomas Jaye

    Thomas Jaye


    I've been working with the people at Real Deal for about 15-16 years now. The reason I keep going back to them is that they always give me the best price possible, working with the good Family that runs the business, and most of all is the impeccable personal service that they give me, my Family, and friends when I go to Aruba. They make easy to rent cars, trucks, and many choices of offroad vehicles. Thank you, Mr. THOMPSON

  • Quincy A

    Quincy A


    I love the guys at Real Deal. I rented a car for just over a month and got a great deal. Excellent customer service. They met me at the airport and were very responsive to any issues that I had. They even cleaned the car when they changed the tires. Lovely family. Tushall is a cool dude ! I'll definitely rent from them again and I strongly recommend that you do as well. K

  • Leah Dixon

    Leah Dixon


    We had a blast in Aruba! For the week we were here, we rented first a UTV for 2 people and were able to drive everywhere on the island. It was great and we felt we were in a commercial going over rocks and off the paved roads! A couple days later we wanted to drive and we rented a car for more exploring! Will def return and use again! Easy to communicate with via WhatsApp and happy they were so flexible to help us enjoy this happy island.

  • Dawn Bellantoni

    Dawn Bellantoni


    I have rented from Real Deal during my last 4 visits to Aruba and I can honestly say they are the best car rental I have ever used on the island! Extremely professional, always a really nice car at a great price, and their excellent customer service is why they continue to earn my business! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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