Yess Rental Car in Oranjestad

ArubaYess Rental Car



🕗 openingstijden

Paramira Villas, Oranjestad, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 592 8809
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5291565, Longitude: -70.0281682

opmerkingen 5

  • Traci Van Ooyen

    Traci Van Ooyen


    We decided last minute to rent a vehicle rather than hire a guide. After a lot of research, we rented a “Jeep Special Addition” from Yess Rental. We rent vehicles several times each year for work and vacations, and I cannot say enough about the positive difference between other car rental companies and Yess Rental. It comes down to two factors – customer service and vehicles offered. SERVICE – Ricardo and his team bent over backwards to provide us with the most amazing customer service experience we have ever had with anybody anywhere in any type of service business. He personally delivered the vehicle to our hotel, gave us driving tips, touring advice, his cell # in case we needed help along the way, and of course an island road map. Not only did he accommodate our last-minute request for the Jeep Special Edition, but he let us keep it an extra day when we didn’t get all our sightseeing done in one day. This put him in the position of needing to pick up the jeep at our hotel, wash it, refuel it, and get it delivered to another customer with no time to spare, just to help us out. We brought it back dirty and down a half tank of gas. Instead of racking up a bunch of charges, he simply called us to inquire if we had enjoyed our time exploring the island. Our enjoyment was his main concern from start to finish. Ricardo is a top-notch guy and runs a top-notch company and is a real asset to Aruba’s tourism industry. We look forward to enjoying many more rental experiences with him in the future. VEHICLES – You have a variety of choices when renting a vehicle in Aruba, from open top Vikings to cars and SUVs. We saw many people in the Vikings, but they must wear goggles and bandanas over their faces because of the sand. Remember there is a constant trade wind blowing across Aruba, and it is a desert. We will always go back to Yess for the Jeep Special Editions that he offers. They have been modified with special chassis and tires for off-road driving, specifically for the boulder roads leading to many of the coastal sites on the east side of the island (the most famous being the Natural Pool at Arikok National Park). The only way you know you’re on a path is that there are tire treads in the dust between boulders, and these roads aren’t for the faint of heart. Other jeep rental companies on the island have stickers on their dashboards stating that you are not allowed to take their vehicles off-roading. Many people ignore that warning. When we got to the natural pool, several tourists were there, some who rode with guides in modified vehicles, and some who had rented jeeps that had blown tires or punctured oil pans. While the drive was precarious, our modified jeep from Yess got us there and back without issue. Along the path we had to pass two separate groups who got their vehicles hung up on boulders and were too scared to continue. If you prefer to stay on the roads, Yess also offers a variety of cars, vans, and SUVs.

  • en

    Larry Gonzalez


    I did not know this company, i had a reservation with one of the more known companies and they did not honnor my resrvation. I was scare of loosing my vacation because of this problem. I ran accoross one of the representative of Yess Car Rental in the airport and brough me a car with even better spec than the one i was expecting. Price was good and the car was in excellent condition. Thanks Yess Rental Car for saving my vacation.

  • Josephine Jing

    Josephine Jing


    They were 4.5 hours late in providing the car. They kept saying it'll be ready "soon". No apologies were given. On the positive side, the car was functioning well, few minor scratches but was not charged for it. Ricardo was responsive in calls and texts but did not give accurate times. It would've been better if he just rescheduled the pick up instead of having the customer wait for 4.5 hours. Unlikely to use again.

  • Robert Greene

    Robert Greene


    We e-mailed Ricardo and the process was very simple. We rented for three days. He personally delivered a new clean car to our hotel and took our credit card information. He returned to pick up the car right on time and it took only minutes to settle the account. In addition to e-mail, we were able to text message with Ricardo as well. Excellent customer service. We will rent from Yess Car Rental in the future. Highly recommended.

  • Charles Cunningham

    Charles Cunningham


    Had a great experience with them. Email communication was prompt. Ricardo met me at the airport with a well kept car and I was on my way in 5 minutes. Will use them again on my next trip

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