CarVenience | Car Rental Aruba in Oranjestad

ArubaCarVenience | Car Rental Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

Sabana Berde, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 568 0383
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.506552, Longitude: -70.013766

opmerkingen 5

  • Martin Velasco

    Martin Velasco


    Excelente atencion y buen precio. totalmente recomendable

  • en

    Marianne McIntyre


    CarVenience really goes above and beyond. Love their cars, service and prices.

  • Sarah Vedder

    Sarah Vedder


    Highly recommend. The staff is incredibly friendly and the entire process is seamless & straightforward. They picked us up directly from the airport and brought us to their office which is about a 3-5 minute drive. We got to skip all of the lines at the other rental car companies and we had our own personal attendant waiting for us with a sign when we arrived to the airport. Our reservation was on file and the car was readily available; it took maybe five minutes once we got to their office to complete the paperwork and head off. The car was an automatic, four-door sedan with low miles. I loved having the option of exploring the island during my vacation and the freedom to leave our resort anytime. The pricing was very reasonable and there were no unexpected fees or costs. To be honest, I was a bit hesitant at first to go with a local rental company versus a national name-brand but I am 100% happy that I chose Carvenience.

  • Gladis Flatt

    Gladis Flatt


    Excellent service, they picked us up from the airport and took us to their air conditioned depot 10 minutes from the airport, everything was quickly explained and the car was ready for us, they also drop you off at the airport. Cars are in good shape. Reasonable rental rates, will use them again.

  • D. DUKE

    D. DUKE


    I needed a car on short notice and called Carvenience because they were the only place open before 8am. After a quick no-fuss call the pickup agent arrived a few minutes early. On the way there he explained the rules of the road and helpful tips along with showing me the closest place to gas up on the return. The car was like new and had excellent tires (bad tires seems to be a common complaint with other companies). The car was great and upon returning, their shuttle was running late so one of the agents took me to the airport. Pricing is competitive with everyone else. Carvenience also supports United Dogs Aruba so they get extra points from me. Will definitely use them next time we are in Aruba

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