GMAX CAR RENTAL in Oranjestad




🕗 openingstijden

5E, Camacuri, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 567 1899
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5058954, Longitude: -70.0217716

opmerkingen 5

  • Madelyn Mazara

    Madelyn Mazara


    At first I was a little skeptical because they don't have an office right at the airport like the others. It's just a guy with a sign outside the airport, but they offered an unbeatable price so we took the risk and I'm glad I did. Their office is located about 5 minutes from the airport but they have the car on the parking and you do all the paperwork there. The car was brand new and the service was really fast. I really recommend it, I had no issues at all.

  • Natahly Bermudez

    Natahly Bermudez


    Thanks GMAX Car Rental !!! Excellent service of totally new car rental, the best rate, service, attention. They made a pleasant memory of my vacation! Recommended 100%

  • Cas di Papiamento

    Cas di Papiamento


    Trusted Car Rental Company In Aruba! Easy booking, friendly staff, free pick-up and delivery..

  • Yhanmary Peña

    Yhanmary Peña


    When Aruba arrived it was necessary to rent a vehicle, which is why I found this agency and I was delighted, the friendliness of the staff and the responsibility.

  • In Viper

    In Viper


    I rented a brand new Nissan Accent, which drove really well and smooth.The renting rate is a bit higher than other car rentals, though. The car doesn't use much gas, which is nice. They accepted 200 euros for deposit, so I didn't need to exchange euro for the local valuta (USD or Aruban Florin). Personnel is really friendly and we kept contact via WhatsApp. With the rental car, you are able to drive inside Arikok National Park, though you should drive very carefully.

Autoverhuur in de buurt

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