Super Car Rental in Oranjestad

ArubaSuper Car Rental


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🕗 openingstijden

1, Camacuri, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 8765
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5055917, Longitude: -70.021428

opmerkingen 5

  • James Gomez

    James Gomez


    I got a jeep a while ago for my daughter they tried to charge a little less than a thousand dollars for a deposit for one day. This place has some of the rudest people along with the most broken down vehicles. This place also does not service their vehicles. Protect your family and don't drive any of their cars.

  • Ryn Scot

    Ryn Scot


    Horrible company just made to take advantage of people their cars have mechanical issues they try to hide. They are dangerous do not drive their cars you could get hurt!!!! They told me “that all their cars have the check engine light on.” Right before that the car is driven for a few hours blew a tire after I’d asked about that specific tire before I rented it.

  • C.A. Margazano

    C.A. Margazano


    So fair warning if you are looking for a flashy and brand new car this is not the rental place for you. If you are looking for a decent car that will get you from point a to point b, friendly and accommodating service, a local business and just decent people...then this is the place for you. I always get something decent and a few years ago when one car had a mechanical issue they switched me out quickly. I highly recommend this place. They will pick you up from the airport and get you on your way.

  • Adem M

    Adem M


    Would strongly recommend this agency...everything promised got picked up at airport...droped off..very nice and clean car...even got upgraded...paid for smallest car got bigger size...a+

  • Bob Haberkost

    Bob Haberkost


    So I know you get what you pay for, I'm not new here. But here's the thing....when one is on vacation, one wants little in the way of difficulties, and Super Car Rental doesn't quite make it. First, after "booking" a car, several things happen. A demand for a US$100 deposit is made, via email, as well as details to secure that deposit, with all credit card details. Not the most secure methods for transfer. Then, the renter is made to understand that a US$500 deposit will be required (although not actually submitted) for, in my case, a $350 rental. And then there's the rental. We didn't spend a lot of time in the older KIA that we were put in, because, after rolling down the driver's window to swipe our unit key card, the window wouldn't go back up, and we were obliged to leave the car open to the world while unpacking. The passenger side had similar issues, although both were intermittent. Then, a call to the agency, when I'd hoped a car would be brought *to* me, instead required that I drive to the *other*, main location, and as I wasn't as familiar with Aruba as Google was, the route was...interesting. Not dangerous, just a chance to see Aruba as the locals do. Anyway, on my arrival I was asked to wait while the on-site mechanic fixed it. After about 15 minutes (again, when on vacation, waiting to have a car fixed is not on the agenda) I noticed a Toyota Camry, and asked that I be put in that car, and we'd be good. This was agreed to, and we did the look-over once again for this car. It was a 2015 Toyota, and I was told to ignore the low tire pressure light, it was all good. The car itself had numerous cosmetic flaws, a dislodged front grill and other issues, and noting that this car, despite being in Aruba, had a speedometer in MPH...could it be this car was once in the U-S? And with only 39000 km on the odometer, at that. Anyway, it all worked out. The replacement car worked flawlessly, had a backup camera and other spiffs. Overall, a fair deal. Just be aware, as other reviewers have described, that your results may not be ideal. But you get what you pay for.

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