Jay's Car Rental in Oranjestad

ArubaJay's Car Rental



🕗 openingstijden

Primavera 6L, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 566 6888
website: www.jayscarrentalaruba.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.510579, Longitude: -70.008663

opmerkingen 5

  • Moffy Dirks

    Moffy Dirks


    Car stereo was not working. Thwy promised to replace the radio aftrr 5:00. No show. Called 5:50. The lady at the phone was very friendly & serviceable.

  • Ralph Del Conte

    Ralph Del Conte


    One of our highlights in Aruba turned-out to be renting a Jeep Wrangler (4x4) for two days from Jay's and exploring Arikok National Park on day 1 (the goal was Conchi Natural Pool), and the northwest coast from California lighthouse down to the little chapel on day 2. Jay's was no hassel, had a great price, and friendly. The vehicle was fabulous - we made so many memories in places we otherwise would not see without a 4x4!

  • Crystal Harris

    Crystal Harris


    Great customer service

  • Horothby Cid Cabrera

    Horothby Cid Cabrera


    Great. I'm from Aruba and they treat me like a king. I recomend u to go there. And they have the best prijs on the island.

  • C Griffin

    C Griffin


    I have rented from Jays the last several years when I have come to Aruba. I can say they are courteous, kind and provide unbelievable customer service. When I needed some extra assistance they came promptly and swapped cars for me all with a smile. I highly recommend jays for a great car rental experience.

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