SMART Rent a Car in Oranjestad

ArubaSMART Rent a Car


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🕗 openingstijden

Sabana Blanco 70E Suite 9, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 562 2220
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5096858, Longitude: -70.0103545

opmerkingen 5

  • Brendan Sileo

    Brendan Sileo


    No one was at the store when we arrived to pick up our car. We had to call them to bring it. However, the car worked fine and they picked it up from our Airbnb, and would have given us a ride to the airport that night if we needed it.

  • en



    Very happy with customer service and vehicle.

  • Mark Den Herder

    Mark Den Herder


    Aside from the vehicle being in absolutely unsafe condition, they were unable to produce a child safety safety even though we had confirmed this addition to our reservation over the phone on two separate occasions. The air conditioning was broken, the headlights didn't work properly, seat belts didn't work. A quick look around the hotel parking lot determined that Hertz, Top Drive, or Jay's are probably the better rental choices on the island. I wouldn't have purchased that vehicle for what I paid to rent it. Spend the extra 5% to 10% for Hertz, what you get will be far more valuable than what you spend.

  • Matthijs van Oostrom

    Matthijs van Oostrom


    You get what you pay for. We had a really cheap price, so we got a really cheap car. But for us it was ok, we could drive from A to B! They picked us up at the airport and the guy was friendly!

  • Joe Catanese

    Joe Catanese


    Rent at your own risk. They overbooked their cars for the day on a reservation made several weeks in advance, then proceeded to make things worse by not being at the port on time (they would have never shown up if a local hadn't gotten them on the phone for us), by having an unfriendly and unapologetic attitude (when he did show up, the rep never even uttered an "hello". "welcome to Aruba", or a "sorry for dropping the ball"; he just gestured to us to follow him, we thought to the car, but then found out it was his car to drive us to his office 15 min. away and in the opposite direction from where we needed to go), and then renting us a piece of junk Jeep they had on the lot as an "upgrade", which--rust and dents aside--wasn't even safe for the road. They wasted our valuable time, made us late getting to crowded beach so we couldn't get to the spot we wanted, and forced my wife and I to snorkel separately, since the Jeep was missing the back window and we couldn't lock our valuables inside. For the record, snorkeling is one of our favorite activities together, and the sole intent of our day in Aruba. It was just an overall disaster of an experience and a dark shadow over our entire day in Aruba. To cap it off, in response to my request for them to take responsibility for the fiasco and refund our money, I was totally ignored. No response. Nada. Zilch. Who cares? It's not their problem anymore. So, again, rent at your own risk, as this company does give a darn about you as a customer, and you'll be playing Russian roulette with their incompetence..

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