Alamo Rent A Car in Oranjestad

ArubaAlamo Rent A Car



🕗 openingstijden

Queen Beatrix Intl Airport, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 583 3244
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5044107, Longitude: -70.0072562

opmerkingen 5

  • Damien Marquise

    Damien Marquise


    Convenient location just steps from the airport exit. Very pleasant staff who warmly greeted us on arrival. After such a busy airport experience we feared the worst in having to wait for our rental car. However we were surprised at the quick and efficient service at Alamo. The same when returning the car. The staff was very smiley and friendly and even gave us some cold bottled waters. It was one of the smoothest car rental experiences we have ever had. Pricing was good compared to other companies. Clean car. Highly recommended.

  • Ariel Maduro

    Ariel Maduro


    Oliver and the staff are great people!! I will definitely rent here again. The return was super easy... As a traveler, you want this type of things to be done, here is your car and byeee hehehe...anyway, great 👍 customer service 👌 , no hidden on the surprises at all.

  • James Morrissey

    James Morrissey


    Awesome service, dropped us off in town after returning our car and asking which way the bus stop was. When we got there she wouldn’t even take a tip. The car was nothing special but we got it without a reservation and it took us everywhere we wanted to go. Even was able to use my enterprise number to earn points. Thank you!

  • patchay xiong

    patchay xiong


    I rented a car from Alamo for a week stay recently. On our 3rd day we encountered a flat tire. Alamo was able to replace a new car for us hassle free. Staff were super friendly. They repeatedly apologize for our inconvenience. They also gave me a small discount for our trouble. This is my second renting from Alamo and both times it has been great. We will rent from Alamo again because we love Aruba and will be back . Thanks Alamo!!

  • Leanne Gaus

    Leanne Gaus


    We had the best experience with Alamo!! From picking up the car to us deciding to rent the car for a second week, it was all seamless. The return of the car was super easy and quick. Thank you for a great experience and when we come back we will be using your services again 100%! And will recommend you to anyone we know traveling to Aruba! Thanks again, Dave and Leanne

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