Jay's Car Rental N.V. in Oranjestad

ArubaJay's Car Rental N.V.



🕗 openingstijden

Primavera 6L, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 566 6888
website: www.jayscarrentalaruba.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.510579, Longitude: -70.008663

opmerkingen 5

  • World Traveler

    World Traveler


    Meet us outside airport. Transfer us to office. Very quick and efficient. $200 deposit $160 for 4 days.

  • Yuriy Rabukhin

    Yuriy Rabukhin


    I had a reservation with a different company, however Jay's rep was there by the airport and offered a much better price. After reading reviews on line I agreed to go with them. I had no problems with the service or the car. Shuttle drove us to the off airport location and on the way back owner drove us back in the car we rented. All went well as expected. Next time I am calling them first.

  • Deidre Etim

    Deidre Etim


    My sister and I visited Aruba for the first time this year and we looked for a car rental because we didnā€™t want to rely on the taxis or public transportation in a place we are unfamiliar with. So we went with Jayā€™s. I am on the fence about this company, Iā€™m only giving it 3/5 because I canā€™t give it a 2.5. Iā€™ll list the pros and cons. Pros: the car we were given was very clean inside and out. It ran good on gas, so we didnā€™t have to constantly stop for gas. Jayā€™s was one of the more affordable car rentals from the airport with a reasonable hold. They were also one of the few that let us rent at our age (we are under 25). Cons: not more so with the car, but the company. We decided to stay an extra night on the island & my sister was told that we would be charged an extra $55 which she had agreed to. They ended up charging us $75 instead of the agreed $55. Not only that, but they took the money out of the wrong account. Secondly, they never cleared the hold. The hold had to be cleared by my bank. For that, I give Jayā€™s 2.5 stars because they like to play with your money. Also, the car we were given was at least 7 years old. And then we agreed to have the car back by 6:30am since our flight was a 9:15am. We got there before 6am calling to let them know we had the car. No one answered. We called both numbers that are given on the receipt, each went to voicemail or ā€œcouldnā€™t be completed as dialedā€. It wasnā€™t until 6:55 that the boss answered the phone claiming heā€™ll be there in 5minutes. He came around 7:30am with the slightest of apologies... so yeah 2.5 stars.

  • Pet Detective

    Pet Detective


    This is a great rental car company on Aruba. It was very easy getting the rental car and dropping it off again. The car was reliable and clean. We got a very good rate even though it was the only car they had left to rent.

  • Sean Griffin

    Sean Griffin


    I was told that all cars were 3 years or newer. Took transfer from the airport as was given a 6 year old Mitsubishi Lancer stick shift in fairly rough shape. Iā€™m pretty hard to rattle, so no big deal just go with the flow Iā€™m on vacation. They told they were out of cars and this is the best they could do. I was told later by locals that the car they gave me did not have the rental car plates on it. Anyway, things go fine. I drive the car very little, but on the evening of 3rd day, the car wonā€™t start when we try to go out to dinner. Weā€™re on the northeast side of island, so they canā€™t come until tomorrow. Weā€™re not near a restaurant, we eat chicken noodle soup for dinner - not what we were looking for. They say they are coming the next morning between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. to fix or trade cars out. They finally show at 10:20 a.m. After working on the car for about 75 minutes, I ask about the trade out car. They finally agree to let me take the little old micro Hyundai they drove out in. Definitely not a comparable car, but at least Iā€™m moving. Missed the whole morning of planned snorkeling at Mangel Halto because of this. Said they would bring a replacement car that afternoon. Finally called back and said I should just keep it 2 more days as they didnā€™t have any other cars. I know Aruba is a tough and popular car rental market, but this was beyond poor. They did offer minor credit when I returned the micro car, but it really did not come close to making up for the several inconveniences we had to experience. All you want to do on vacation is have fun and relax. This did not help with that and I would not use them again.

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