Avis in Noord



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🕗 openingstijden

250, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297
website: www.avis.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5516051, Longitude: -70.0540772

opmerkingen 5

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    Eric Huffman


    So far everything has been smooth. Had to wait til the next day to get a midsize car due to high demand, but they held it for us. Just over $300 for the week. Staff was very friendly. Did have to wait in line, but with one person serving hundreds of people in the hotel, what do ya expect? At turn in I'll update if anything changes.

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    Chris Chan


    Wish I would have the reviews before booking through Expedia. Booked a minivan 8 weeks in advance, when I arrived they didn't have the vehicle. The lady said she would drive up the biggest car they had for me to take a look....it was a compact car! I'm like WFT! Do you think we can all fit, do the laws of physics not apply in Aruba? We went next door to thrifty and they hooked us up but of course paid the price for it. Never again Avis, you guys suck!

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    Mark Michalski


    I have stood in line for the Avis of Aruba so I can get to the sun, sand, and kite surfing that I’ve desperately needed while being subjected to the cold, harsh New England winter. I have stood in line now 60 minutes to get to my Yaris (or equivalent) to simply transport me to these destinations. There were two people aheads of me when I got in this line. 60 minutes! How is this possible Avis? It defies all reason. Perhaps I’ve stumbled into a mad physicist’s wayward experiment and I’ve become trapped in a time vortex of some sort. Or perhaps I died on the jetblue flight out and I’m in purgatory and I somehow don’t know it. All I know is I have lost myself. I believe this is who I’ve always been. I have always just been a man, waiting. A man waiting in an Avis line. Time has slowed and the hours slip into days and years and eventually centuries and millennia. Eventually my bones will turn to dust, waiting for the Yaris that will never come.

  • Haw-Bin Chai

    Haw-Bin Chai


    They gave my car - a minivan which I had reserved 3 months ago - away, claiming that I didn't arrive in time. Apparently Avis is notorious for that here. Terrible!

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    lori grech


    Horrible service. WE booked a van for 6 people and they don't have vans. The customer ahead of us had the same problem. WE ended up getting 2 small cars and parked one for a week. We needed the van to and from the air port and not to drive both all week. Do not book a van they have none!!!

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