Budget Car Rental in Noord

ArubaBudget Car Rental



🕗 openingstijden

Irausquin Blvd # 360, (P4B, Noord, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 582 8600
website: www.budget.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5702727, Longitude: -70.0448868

opmerkingen 5

  • Alicia D

    Alicia D


    EXCELLENT customer service from Joslyn!! My experience with her would make me use Budget again!

  • Michael montalbano

    Michael montalbano


    Very dissapointed with this car rental agency. I had to shorten my reservation by only two days due to a medical emergency (with documentation to prove it) and due to small print on the contract i was charged for the entire reservation. Hey budget, enjoy that extra 70 dollars you got from me because you will NOT ever see another dime from me ever again. I am a repeat customer of budget, i visit aruba 3 times per year for business and will absolutely never use your agency again.

  • Frederic Croteau

    Frederic Croteau


    Reserved for a Jeep Had a confirmation number. Plan the day with it. The morning of the reservation: sorry , we don’t have the Jeep!

  • Miguel P

    Miguel P


    I was very appreciative of the customer service from Jessica, who was amazing and helpful. My friend and I left our licenses in the hotel. While he went to get them, Jessica gave me the scoop on the best beaches, restaurants, and awesome spots on the island. Never thought I would raving about Budget Car Rental, but I’m glad we picked them. The four wheel drive Jeep Wrangler wasn’t bad either. Thank you Jessica!

  • Shelly H

    Shelly H


    Worst customer service I’ve received at a budget. Both ladies were unhelpful and rude. They made us feel like we were taking too much of their time and were just overall rude.

Autoverhuur in de buurt

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