Super Car Rental in Noord

ArubaSuper Car Rental



🕗 openingstijden

Caya Nelson Florencio Sprok Washington 94, Noord, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 8765
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5635034, Longitude: -70.0362244

opmerkingen 5

  • James Gomez

    James Gomez


    I got a jeep a while ago for my daughter they tried to charge a little less than a thousand dollars for a deposit for one day. This place has some of the rudest people along with the most broken down vehicles. This place also does not service their vehicles. Protect your family and don't drive any of their cars.

  • Marie Johnson

    Marie Johnson


    These people have horrible cars and will over charge you if they can. Don't go here the car my daughter got here didn't work and was dangerous.

  • Bill Austin

    Bill Austin


    Reservation pick up & drop off where quick and easy. Was picked up on time, and dropped off at airport on return. Seven passenger SUV. Thanks Super Car

  • Annika Munkel

    Annika Munkel


    Not recommended. We hired a slingshot for four hours. Before we got the vehicle, a man took our details down, we went through the contract, reviewed the vehicle for marks, etc. Everything was standard. When we returned, a woman at the counter then told us that, because we are paying with credit card, she’d charge us 50% fees (yes, she and others did say 50%). We questioned that quickly, and she backtracked and said 15%. Still outrageous. Especially since nobody has told us about this, and a credit card was required to even complete the booking. We argued with her but in the end gave in an paid $30 more than anticipated. Nothing in the contract mentioned the charge, nor did anybody tell us about it when we signed the contract and first got the car. Funny enough, we were about to enquire about renting ATVs with them. But obviously won’t go anywhere near that place. Definitely trying to rip off tourists. Please go elsewhere.

  • Téa Persad

    Téa Persad


    The prices here were the best! The car was in great condition,staff was friendly and helpful. And they drop and pick you up! Definitely recommend renting a car from here!

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