Car Rental Aruba in Noord

ArubaCar Rental Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

Washington 94, Noord, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 8765
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5635034, Longitude: -70.0362244

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Moritz Hofmann


    Very bad, they didn’t tell us, they want 500$ cash for deposit. Even more they were not friendly or accommodating.

  • Cooper Engler

    Cooper Engler


    WASTED OUT WHOLE DAY!!!! They only lie to you! Tell you they have it available you go there then they don’t. Then try tell you they do and charge your card without letting you know they are charging you $1000 as a security deposit. STAY AWAY!!! If I didn’t noticed anything and cancel the whole transaction they would of charged me $1000 with out my approval and I could of lost it because it says if you sign (which obviously you have to do) it then gives them permission to keep and to deny any calls and issues with refunding from the bank!!! SCAM SCAM SCAM save yourselves!!!!!!! Seriously wasted a whole day and if you have been here you know what a whole day is!

  • Asher Patel

    Asher Patel


    Reasonable prices! Kind people! Just be aware when trying to find this certain location, it is pretty well hidden.

  • Laxmi Jawa

    Laxmi Jawa


    Best service and reasonable prices. Lady was very nice and made sure that i was satisfied. Surely renting from them again next time!

  • Jessica Breiner

    Jessica Breiner


    Seriously the WORST car rental experience I have ever.. Our last day in Aruba we spent waiting for them for an hour at our hotel. After receiving our car we had to go back because it was leaking from the bottom of the jeep. For them to "fix" something for 15 minutes. I'm not sure what they can fix within that time. We got it back after that time and took it the national park. I noticed the brakes would grind and the wheel made a loud squeaking when you turned. I returned the car within 5 hours because I didn't want to be responsible for it breaking down. They did take some money off of my total, but I feel that any other rental place would have made sure I was happy with my experience. Nobody was ever rude to me they just didn't go out of there way to make sure I was happy. It pretty much took half of our last day in the Island

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