Pinchos Bar and Grill i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaPinchos Bar and Grill



🕗 åbningstider

7, L.G. Smith Blvd (Sasakiweg), Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 583 2666
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.51043, Longitude: -70.0307074

kommentar 5

  • en

    Scott Rikard


    We were seated out on the Dock with a wonderful breeze and unobstructed views of the impending sunset. The service was top notch, the food was really good. the location, although prime and not hard to find, is a bit of a drive from the resort area. I would recommend a Taxi if you would like to imbibe a bit.

  • John Custy

    John Custy


    Nice location, great service, good food

  • Giovanni Wester

    Giovanni Wester


    Pinchos has an amazing ambience. Very peacefull and delicious food. Relax and enjoy, you can experience a one of a kind dinning. Especially at night the pier has lights that make it very nice.

  • Ruth



    We were at Pinchos two years in a row. The first time was just for drinks but we made a point to go back the following year because the staff was just wonderful. They added and extension to accommodate more patrons. The food is amazing! The sangria is delicious and the staff is unbelievable. You gotta go!

  • Jamy Magro

    Jamy Magro


    What a great place! A little off the beaten path but worth it. We had an extraordinary meal, my wife had a very good strawberry daiquiri. The service was top notch but not stuffy. The location was great for the view and the staff fed the fish between the piers, so there was always something to look at.

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