Los Soles Aruba i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaLos Soles Aruba



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9, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 565 6798
internet side: www.lossolesgroup.com
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Latitude: 12.5168044, Longitude: -70.0368836

kommentar 5




    Excellent service. The sauce for the Tres Chile Tenderloin is the bomb!

  • Anthonyy Mansueto

    Anthonyy Mansueto


    Food is good when you eventually get it. The wait for everything has been way too long. Had to ask waiters that weren’t ours for things because our waitress would just listen long enough get us what we needed drop it on the table and run away. Drinks take a long time because the bartender spends most of her time chasing her child around the lobby. Best advice order everything you will need all at once because you will be waiting on “taco Thursday”.

  • Gur Singh

    Gur Singh


    One of the best Mexican food we ever had ! Service was excellent. Ambience was really good . Underrated, deserves better rating 5/5

  • D Duck

    D Duck


    The salsa was so good - the best I've ever tasted. The guacamole was interesting in texture but also very good. We also ordered cheese quesadillas and beef & chicken rolled tacos - everything was delicious. The waiter was attentive (there were only 4 tables in use when we were there). We did not order drinks, just had water.

  • Daniel M

    Daniel M


    Definitely top tier Mexican. Not sure about the other reviews but I found the staff was quite attentive, though definitely more laid back compared to the constant attention of US restaurants. I think that's a good thing though. Menu was in USD which I wasn't expecting.

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