Dragonfly Sushi by Que Pasa i Oranjestad

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ArubaDragonfly Sushi by Que Pasa



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18, Wilhelminastraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 583 4888
internet side: www.dragonflyaruba.com
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Latitude: 12.5184764, Longitude: -70.0349848

kommentar 5

  • N Hoyos

    N Hoyos


    In my top 2 vegan meals I had in all of Aruba. DELICIOUS vegan food and a decent sized vegan menu. Vegan vegetable tempura was amazing. Best vegan tempura I've ever had. Pad thai was a HUGE portion and also very good. My only suggestion is that they add more peanut sauce for the vegan pad thai but otherwise, it was perfect. Vegan poke bowls also available. Definitely come here if you are vegan/vegetarian.

  • G R

    G R


    That's one star too many. Google should introduce 0-star rating for places like that. The place looks decent and the waiter was good, but the food was horrible. I have to admit Japanese is my favorite cuisine, but this is the worst Japanese food I've ever tried. There were four of us eating there, we all ordered different things, but everyone was very unhappy with his food.

  • Jared Althaus

    Jared Althaus


    Waitress was nice. Kitchen needs serious help. We had reservation for 7pm. We all orderd the all you can eat.. Food was good but we had to wait 30+ minutes for every order to come out. So be patient and have lots of alcohol and it helps.

  • Donna Miklojcik

    Donna Miklojcik


    Dragonfly is a pretty little Chinese restaurant in a strip of restaurants that has one of everything when it comes to dining. The service is excellent, food is served quickly and hot. The sushi menu is fairly complete, the list of hot meals is limited, but covers the basics. The dumplings and egg rolls were tasty. The food itself rarely rises above strip mall takeout in the US. It has been Americanized to the point of being filling but not interesting. When it first opened a few years ago it served beautifully plated dishes with little sauces and crudites, but no more. Go there if you want a quick basic Chinese meal or, better yet, take-out.

  • Ryan Washichek

    Ryan Washichek


    Get here early for their early bird special offers. My wife and I did the all you can eat option, which was fun to get a little taste of the multiple types of sushi they have to offer. The food was good and drinks decent. The owner or manager sits out front and hounds people walking by to come in and eat, which we found kind of annoying as we were sitting outside. Other then that the rest of the staff was friendly and quick!

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