Amore Mio Pizzeria Napoletana i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaAmore Mio Pizzeria Napoletana



🕗 åbningstider

348, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 2101
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Latitude: 12.5684992, Longitude: -70.0451049

kommentar 5

  • Doug Ward

    Doug Ward


    I had breakfast here on Sunday, so hungry. Very nice place, great menu, something for everyone. Sat outside, great weather. I ordered a spinach & chicken fajita w/ onions, peppers & olives, ( very good ). nice combination of flavors, delicious. 👍👍👍👍

  • Rigaud Antersijn

    Rigaud Antersijn


    Best pizza, amazing service and loction

  • Freeha Arshad

    Freeha Arshad


    Great food and service

  • mirugia de Cuba

    mirugia de Cuba


    It was delicious!

  • Stephanie Roper

    Stephanie Roper


    5 stars for the food. 4 stars for the price. We have eaten there 10 times in a few years total. The food was plated beautifully, the portions for the $$$ is a bit much for a pizzeria side of their main restaurant. AGAIN food tastes great! Service was also spot on. Order regular water Aruba water is fantastic, save the 9 dollar a bottle for sparkling water. I understand food is expensive, however a pasta dish with nothing in it but sauce could have been a bigger portion. And we eat light in general. We had a caprese appetizer, 1 for $33.00. We ate all of our delicious food to the end. Just keep in mind a family of 5 at a pizza restaurant was 200.00 American. The service and cleanliness was spot on.

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