YOLO cocktails & Tapas i Noord

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ArubaYOLO cocktails & Tapas



🕗 åbningstider

384-A, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 280 0029
internet side: www.yoloaruba.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.5750901, Longitude: -70.0434728

kommentar 5

  • Ashley Sullivan

    Ashley Sullivan


    Excellent! Great vibessss and location! Easy to walk to from Marriott stelaris. Right across the street from holiday inn. Super hip vibe. Jose makes absolutely fantastic and creative drinks. A lot of thought and detail goes into the creations. I wish I had a picture of the mango habanero and Blackberry mojito- so beautiful. The Gambas Al Ajillo were very very tasty. Ugh I gotta go back.

  • pwc11101



    Beautiful new restaurant in Aruba, great atmosphere with outside dining available. Very nice selection of food and great cocktails. Highly recommend for lunch, dinner or dancing. Definitely going back next year!

  • Emma Degenkamp

    Emma Degenkamp


    Tapas were delicious and cocktails were definitely crafted with knowledge, skill, and care. They were amazing. Great vibe and staff very friendly and professional. Definitely recommend.

  • Daniel Beerens

    Daniel Beerens


    This is something amazing! You have to skip the FAKE 1 star reviews and see for yourself. The crew that works here will give you the time of your life. Beautiful locations! A must visit!!

  • Junior Strous

    Junior Strous


    This is a great place! Friendly service, good chill vibe, the food is great. Good value for money! I highly reccomend this place.

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