Domino's Pizza Palm Beach i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaDomino's Pizza Palm Beach



🕗 åbningstider

186-E, 3, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 0333
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.569612, Longitude: -70.04232

kommentar 5

  • Gideon Paesch

    Gideon Paesch


    The bbq chicken pizza is the BEST. Great service and great specials

  • joe



    Tastes good

  • Laughter yogui Girl

    Laughter yogui Girl


    if you are here this is your ideal pizzeria. an excellent location and the best super fast service

  • Lindan Cigars

    Lindan Cigars


    Placed an order for delivery. Was told 40-50mins. After 55mins saw a delivery car pass by. Decided to call to see maybe if they confused the address. First was told they came for delivery and there was nobody ! Told them that was a lie as we were waiting and saw the car pass. Then was told to hold as he will check. Turns out our order hasn't even been prepared yet. We were still 4 orders behind. Told them they should have communicated this in the beginning. We are hungry. We could have ordered somewhere else instead of waiting this long. I cancelled the order.

  • Mel B

    Mel B


    If I could give zero (0) star I would. We placed an order for take out in store. Two people came after us and place their order and got their pizza before us. If this is not racism I don’t know what is....Never again

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