Azzurro Ristorante Italiano i Noord

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ArubaAzzurro Ristorante Italiano



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J.E. Irausquin Boulevard 87, Noord, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 4123
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Latitude: 12.5735165, Longitude: -70.0457266

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Rosenstein

    Daniel Rosenstein


    Great food and great atmosphere. Really enjoyed dining here.

  • no

    Caroline Scheele


    Fantastisk mat og hyggelig personale. Kjempe service. Norske priser men det var det verdt.

  • en

    Dominic Ippoliti


    Had dinner here last night and let me just say the food was freaking amazing!! We had fettuccine Alfredo and veal parm. My wife and I are Italian and frequent high end NY and NJ Italian spots. Food was amazing. Great atmosphere and great service.

  • en



    Best lunch we had so far on the island, food is great and view of the ocean is even better! We had the grilled chicken from the dinner menu, healthy and delicious 😋

  • Jeffrey Moon

    Jeffrey Moon


    WOW! Being from the Boston area and having many Italian friends, I can tell you that this ranked right up there with some of the best Italian restaurants I've had the pleasure of experiencing. We started dinner with an antipasti dish that was simply superb; the mozzarella was just the right consistency and the prosciutto was melt-in-your-mouth delicious. For the main course, I dined on linguine con polpo. First, most people know that you have to cook octopus just right so that isn't the consistency of a rubber hose. Well, the chef did a FANTASTIC job cooking it, and coupled with the linguine and white wine and garlic sauce, my only regret was that I didn't have room to finish it. If you are ever in Aruba, I HIGHLY recommend eating here, and I haven't even mentioned the fabulous view of the ocean, which is made even better coupled with a gorgeous sunset.

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