Dushi Bagels & Burgers i Noord

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ArubaDushi Bagels & Burgers



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#87, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 3035
internet side: www.dushibagelsandburgers.com
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Latitude: 12.5734018, Longitude: -70.0446781

kommentar 5

  • Ashley Sullivan

    Ashley Sullivan


    Loved! So cute. Great fruit smoothie mixes with berries, ginger, banana, etc. really helped my hangover. My husband had a great bagel sandwich. Super convenient near playa Linda. Well priced. Def going back. The food looked great.

  • Spencer Grabski

    Spencer Grabski


    Ordered the Turkey bacon with regular (pork) bacon and was not disappointed. If you're feeling adventurous, get the papaya hot sauce instead of the Tabasco for a local kick in the taste buds.

  • Ondrea Saint

    Ondrea Saint


    Great little spot for breakfast. Service is prompt and bagels are fresh and soft. If I could give the secret sauce more stars I would. It was a delicious blend of red peppers and habanero and legit "made the sandwich". I definitely plan on coming back to eat lunch!

  • Mitch Turner

    Mitch Turner


    This is our third vacation to Aruba and we return to Dushi Burger for several meals each time. Everything is great tasting and fresh. This is pretty much the only place we eat breakfast. Great omelets and smoothies. But if you're in a hurry this is not the place for you. It is laid back and relaxing and should be enjoyed for that.

  • Kathleen Sheets Cregg

    Kathleen Sheets Cregg


    We decided to try a restaurant recommended by a friend, which was walking distance to our hotel called Dushi Bagels. The price was right for our meals (about $8 each) and the service was quick. There was a bit of a wait so we just ate at the bar. They also offer to go options if you’re in a hurry! We enjoyed a breakfast burrito with ham, french toast, and delicious hash browns.

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