Reflexions Aruba i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaReflexions Aruba



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1 D, Lloyd G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 582 0153
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5089604, Longitude: -70.0295118

kommentar 5

  • Zerelda Elisabeth

    Zerelda Elisabeth


    Very nice staff drinks and food is very good too!!

  • piet Kurvink

    piet Kurvink



  • Miriam A. Salazar

    Miriam A. Salazar


    My nice was in the sun for hours and when they checked her temperature when we went to buy something it was at 40 so they didnt let us in so we ended up not buying anything but the beach there is nice.

  • Johanna H

    Johanna H


    Visited on our cruise about 2 weeks ago. Walkable distance from the cruise terminal. Service was attentive and rates reasonable. Beach water was nice and calm for our 4 and 5 year olds.

  • Tamicia Wakefield

    Tamicia Wakefield


    We went at night when the beach was empty so my review will be light hearted. It had the atmosphere and layout to be THE beach bar in Aruba. Great lounge chairs and a pool inside the restaurant/bar. The beach views are amazing and the sand is 2 steps away. We just stopped by one night for casual drinks and food before bar hopping. We kept everything very simple since we were looking for small bites. I ordered a steak quesadilla because you can’t go wrong. It was simple and well seasoned. Drinks came fast and food was cooked properly. At 8:30-9pm there were probably 12 other guests at the restaurant. I want to go back to this bar in the daytime and see how it is when the sun is high and the beach is being utilized. I bet it is fun!

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