Eetcafe The Paddock i Oranjestad

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ArubaEetcafe The Paddock



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13, Lloyd G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 583 2334
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5191548, Longitude: -70.0390328

kommentar 5

  • Tessa Colleen

    Tessa Colleen


    Quick stop off from your cruising port. You can enjoy the day in their open-air cafe while sipping on a Heineken. No wifi, so talk to people! Remember : this place is very much on Island Time, so don't expect fast service.

  • Sid Thapa

    Sid Thapa


    When you have waited for service so long that you have to flag down a waiter to ask for a menu, then you wait and wait and you flag down the waiter again to order and then they bring you the wrong food. And then you wait over 20 mins with dirty plates on your table and then you flag down a waiter again to ask for the check then you wait another 10 mins to pay the bill....I guess just my luck to get a horrible horrible service for a mediocre food. Going to this place kinda put a damper on a perfect day.

  • Lotus On The Hill

    Lotus On The Hill


    Loved it. It was my favourite place for a beer and place to cool down. One very hot late morning, I was the only one there. Their wonderful hostess took the time to ask me how my stay had been, told me where the sights were in the old town and, most importantly, where to find the best body boarding beaches including which ones to avoid because of dangerous riptide conditions. Will be my first stop again when I return to Aruba.

  • Lucia Cunningham

    Lucia Cunningham


    10 days on the Island, and the meal we had was delicious and a great value. The atmosphere is laid back and right on the water with an amazing breeze. I highly recommend this restaurant.

  • en

    Gordon Hill


    Stopped in for a beer at about 11:30am, looking for an escape from the unusually hotter than normal weather. I was the only customer at the time. Their very lovely hostess was kind and thoughtful and was willing to answer my questions about local bodyboarding beaches and what was the best parts of the local town to see. Next time I'm in Aruba, I'll be going there for dinner. Their menu offerings looked great.

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