5 O clock somewhere bar i Oranjestad

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Aruba5 O clock somewhere bar


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1, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.5167053, Longitude: -70.0368246

kommentar 5

  • Aad-Jan de gruijl

    Aad-Jan de gruijl


    Great service by Paulo and best margarita made by Jamal. A phenomenal experience by a local crew.

  • Desiree Werrett

    Desiree Werrett


    Nachos and fish tacos were my favorite! The staff is AMAZING! Fun fun atmosphere. We will be back!

  • Dave



    New bar right in the middle of the Marketplace. I believe i overheard it's owned by Renaissance. Limited menu selection, but still plenty of options for a casual snack or lunch/dinner. Balashi on tap, and always plenty of bartenders. Only complain is the live entertainment can get pretty loud surrounded by the buildings and tent above.

  • Jeremy Mason

    Jeremy Mason


    We have been here a couple of times during our week stay in Aruba and both times it has been great! Mitch is a great bartender, Paulo is probably the nicest server you’ll ever meet, and the manager Carlton will do whatever he can to make sure you enjoy your visit. If you like margaritas, go on Monday. All margaritas are $5 all day long, even the top shelf. We’ve been bar-hopping all week long and Mitch is the only bartender on the island that has made drinks that we could actually tell there was alcohol in them!

  • Flora Stout

    Flora Stout


    Went to dinner early to get happy hour prices and when we received one drink each I asked the waiter if the drinks were half price instead of getting two for one and he replied YES so we each ordered one more before the happy hour ended. When we received our check the drinks were all full price, I asked the manager about it and was told happy hour prices are only for specific drinks and specific size of beer. We were not happy and he was "well that's the way it is" . Very poor managerial skills and we will never return!

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