On The Rocks Cafe i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaOn The Rocks Cafe



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19, Adriaan Laclé Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 742 4120
internet side: on-the-rocks-cafe.business.site
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Latitude: 12.5184765, Longitude: -70.0301791

kommentar 5

  • Milene Croes

    Milene Croes


    It is cozy and they all friendly and ready to serve you!

  • Ian Fraser

    Ian Fraser


    Nice location, friendly staff and relaxed atmosphere...

  • Kimberely H

    Kimberely H


    It has not even been a half hour since we left On the Rocks Cafe.....Friday, December 13, 2019. Our bill was $103.00 afl or $99.71 USD. NO WAY THAT CONVERSION IS CORRECT. We dined with friends, separate checks. Took our waitress several attempts to correct our bill to be 2 separate checks between us (2) and our friends (2). Finally it came out correct at 103.00 fl, but mistakenly, we paid in USD. OUR Waitress never said a word. On top of that, we left her a tip even though we had to go and find her to take our order, pick up our order from the kitchen, AND bring us our bill THREE TIMES. Shame on us for not catching the mistake, but shame on On the Rocks for taking our USD and not saying we overpaid. We are an American couple living in Aruba since Jan. 2017.. Have always liked this cafe, but after being blatantly ripped off, will not be back. Please check your drawer tonight! You should be over by at least $60.00 USD. it would be great to have a refund. KellyAnn Harris

  • Jon W. Mays

    Jon W. Mays


    Good atmosphere and really nice bartenders and waitresses!

  • Nika Inesia

    Nika Inesia


    The Friday's happy hours one of the best, their food bites are amazin. Their end of the year event is phenomenal.

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