Tierra del Sol Resort & Golf i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaTierra del Sol Resort & Golf



🕗 åbningstider

10, Caya di Solo, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +1 866-978-5158
internet side: www.tierradelsol.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.6051277, Longitude: -70.0417416

kommentar 5

  • Federico Rossi

    Federico Rossi


    Nice apartments, clean spaces and panoramic view! Lovely burrito breakfast!

  • Elaine Voorderhaak

    Elaine Voorderhaak


    We had a perfect staycation at one of the beautiful villas at Tierra del Sol Resort & Golf. It was the ideal place to spend some time with our family. Our 2 year old daughter enjoyed the pool to the fullest and we were very happy with the large garden and the beautiful view of the golf course and the North Shore of the island. The villa was nice and there was enough space. It was a great staycation for us :-).

  • Denise Katchmark

    Denise Katchmark


    A unique golf course! The iguanas, cacti, and goats on the course add to the charm. The wind and arid landscape is not for everyone, but it's what we love most! Arizona meets the Caribbean! The golf can be challenging on a windy day, but it's set up to manage the wind, and still enjoy the game. Tierra del Sol's 19th hole is awesome! The staff is friendly and hard working. And, the food, drinks, and ambiance are excellent. Can't say enough about this wonderful place. We're ready to head back to the island as soon as we can!

  • Alessandra Spinelli

    Alessandra Spinelli


    A beautiful and well maintained condominium, surrounded by charming houses and villas. Unfortunately, they do not perform selective garbage collection, nor do they have a composting program for the production of natural fertilizer. With so much green area, they could produce some seedlings of plants and vegetables for the locals. As a resident, I miss more green initiatives. Stay as a tip!

  • Steve Krasner

    Steve Krasner


    All I can say is Wow !!! Beautiful gym , spa is lovely. Highly recommend Margarita for your massage , she is incredible 17 year veteran in sports treatment. She healed me with in 50 min. Prices are really good. Amazing area , everything was so good and they have great pool and bar !!! If I could give them 10 stars I would. Love this place. Paradise !!!

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