Clinical Massage Aruba & Spa i PALM BEACH

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ArubaClinical Massage Aruba & Spa



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J.E. Irausquin Boulevard 87, Palm - Eagle Beach, PALM BEACH, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 280 8880
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Latitude: 12.573299, Longitude: -70.045269

kommentar 1

  • Chris Ratchford

    Chris Ratchford


    I decided on a last-minute massage on my last day in paradise. I searched for number of spas around Eagle Beach and chose Clinical Massage because I wanted a place where I could get a "real" massage and not pay for all the ambiance of fru fru spas (I'm a 40 something dude). When I arrived at the Casa Del Mar location, I got a little worried because they were in the midst of remodeling and construction (understood as it's in June). But once I checked in, Carmen my therapist, was very welcoming. I also met the owner(s?) who were really nice as well. I initially signed up for the 50 min Swedish, but I upgraded to a package that halfway between Swedish and deep tissue... and it was AWESOME. Carmen made sure to ask me how the pressure was... and I made sure to let her know that she could go hard on my legs as I've had piriformis syndrome for the past year or so. You know that feeling when the therapist works a muscle and it finally releases? Well I made the sound Homer Simpson makes when he thinks of donuts... it's either drooling or gurgling... regardless, I think I did both.

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