Holiday Inn Resort Spa and Fitness Center i Noord

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ArubaHoliday Inn Resort Spa and Fitness Center


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J.E. Irausquin Boulevard 230 Palm Beach, Noord, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297
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Latitude: 12.5768279, Longitude: -70.0443627

kommentar 5

  • Kristal H

    Kristal H


    Horrible moldy old run down hotel. So many better places on the island to stay. Non working elevators, non compassionate staff. Never going back.

  • David Zaldivar

    David Zaldivar


    Clean rooms, good food, friendly staff, beautiful beach.

  • All Events Management Group

    All Events Management Group


    Great location for families or couples. My husband and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary with the All Inclusive package. It was well worth it. They don't hold back on what is offered within the package. The hotel is in a fantastic location with most of the things you want to do in walking distance. Plenty of chairs for the beach. You'll have to get to the pool early for a spot. People use their towels to hold the space. What can you do?They do that everywhere. Each night has a theme, entertainment and a full buffet. The staff is friendly and helpful! Be prepared to tip, they earn it!

  • Allan D

    Allan D


    Had a great time with my brother and his daughter. Great place to stay. Martin was fantastic and took great care of my nieces. I am a spire member and the people here are fabulous. Big thanks to the casino. Won $700 and spent $100...thanks

  • Seeking Riesling

    Seeking Riesling


    I'm sad to say this wasn't a very good massage. It just didn't seem like the massage therapist knew what she was doing to effectively release knots and tense muscles. It was a very light pressure with strokes that were not fluid or continuous, no percussion and very little kneading, elbows or finger/thumb pressure. Kind of like a light back rub. On the plus side, the therapist was nice and friendly and she did take me in right away since she was free. The place smells slightly moldy. When a machine in the fitness center kicks on next door, you'll hear it. The massage table isn't comfortable- it has some kind of metal wire in the space where you put your head and it digs into your face despite the washcloth they place over it to cushion it. The massage table is also not big enough- it's best for short, petite people only. If you are, let's say, 5'6" or taller, your legs will stick out. If you are, let's say, a women's size 12 or larger, your arms will not have room to lay on the table- you'll need to tuck them under you or leave them dangling. A huge amount of oil was used and it wasn't wiped off afterwards like at most places. This left me slipping ever downward in my chair at dinner and desperate to get a shower. The cost was $100 + tax + tip for 50-60 minutes. Basically, if you are a frequent massage-goer in general, you probably aren't going to be happy with the massage you get here.

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